The biggest problems with USB sticks, which i know many will agree with, is that they are dependant on a computer. If u want to send large files to a friend you have to use a computer to do so. You colud see cloud storage systems but not everyone is connected to the internet all the time and 1Gb files do take a while to upload.

U transfer is a new concept where it eliminates the middle man, which is the computer and enable you to transfer files between USB sticks directly. It also features a little touch screen which will enable us to browse around for the file you want to transfer.

How much easier it would be if this came a universal system. Yes it will be more expansive out the convenience would out weigh that by far.

Posted on 11:38 by Unknown

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Onanoff's new product, the dock minimal, is a universal dock for tablets that is compatible with all iPads and will be onw of the first to fit the iPad mini and iPad5.

On the picture above the dock minimal is being used with the Google  Nexus Tablet.

The dock minimal is now being funded on indiegogo,

Posted on 01:59 by Unknown

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Solar panels makes energy, but they take energy to make, too. And until about 2010 or so, the solar panels industry used more electricity than it produced, according to a new analysis. Now, the industry is set to "Pay Back" the energy it used by 2020 .
The study looked what went into building and installing solar panels all over the world, including every thing from home installations to solar farms, Says Michael Dale, a climate and energy researcher at Stanford University, in-a Stanford-produces video . He and a senior scientist, Sally Benson, thought that because the solar panels industry was growing so quickly, it might actually be using more electricity than produced. Instead, they found an industry at a crux.
"I think that this paper shows that actually the industry is making positive strides and it,s even in spite of its fantastically fast growth rates, it's still producing, or it's just about to start producing, a net energy benefit to society," Dale said.
Most solar panels manufactures now consume lots of electricity, usually pulled from coal or other fossil fuel-burning plants. Stanford news pointed to the example of meeting silica rock to obtained the silicon used in most panels. The melting requires electricity to fire ovens to a temperature of about 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Solar panels energy balance is now tipping, however, because never technologies reduce that electricity consumption. For Example, some newer panels require less silicon, or waste less material in the manufacturing process. Researches are also looking to replace silicon with more abundant affordable elements, such as copper,  zinc, tin and carbon.
Dale and Benson published their full analysis in the journal environmental science and technology.
[Stanford News via the Verge]

Posted on 01:38 by Unknown

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This is what we call a Ubiquiti Tower install
-Rocket M5 Titanium & Titanium Sector
-Edgerouter lite
-ToughSwitch Poe Pro
-mFi mPort with temperature and Current Sensors

Posted on 07:27 by Unknown

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Ever caught yourself doing the air-drums in the middle of a song? it is kind like inevitable behavior when you are so immersed in your beloved music. However the traditional drum set is probably on of the least portable musical instruments. Thanks to Kavin Depape, who comes up with a wonderful concept of protable drum system -Y-Drum. It consists of 9 Pads, 2 cymbals, a Bluetooth module and a companion app, either mobile or desktop. Just lay out the pads, lik them to the app, select a drum kit and your,re ready to practice. All of the hardware is stored in a box that doubles as an amplifier. To bad it is still a concept.

Posted on 07:13 by Unknown

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What Can Embrace + Do ?

The Embrace+ Bracelet Keeps you connected to your smartphones and notify you by flashing different colours for different apps and contacts. Choose colour for incoming calls from your girlfriend , Boyfriend , boss a contact group, Unknown callers and known

With the Embrace+ you can set notification for:

Incoming Calls (For Specific contacts or groups)
Text Message
Calendar Alerts (Birthday Reminder Etc)
Alarm And Timer
Low Phone Battery
Phone Out of Range
Additionaly, we will look into the possibility of adding Whatsapp, Ruzzle And vine of our compatibility list and we are continuously looking at Newapps to add! Read the details at:

Posted on 07:02 by Unknown

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During the day, he's a sleepy sentinel on your windowsill when darkness falls, flip him over on your Nightstand and he gives off a warm comforting glow. GloBoy is what every body needs - a friend that will see you through the dark times! The solar-charged battery will power him for up to 6 hours.

Buy Here:

Posted on 01:31 by Unknown

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Audio Unlimited PoolPOd Wireless Floating Waterproof Speaker Allow you to Enjoy your music while relaxing in a hot tub, Pool Or anyother Water environment. This Fully waterproof speakers powered by 900MHz Phase Loop Lock circuitry, which guarantees a strong, clear signal up to 150 Feet away, With no line of sight limitations. The transmeter delivers a powerful signals through walls or any other obstacles in your Yard

Posted on 01:14 by Unknown

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